

Voice Note Virgin
In days of yore, I feared to speak,
A voice note virgin, oh so meek.
But now I've found my vocal grace,
Embracing this new techy space.

With trembling tones, my voice did shake,
Anxious echoes I'd oft forsake.
But now I've learned to share my voice,
A symphony of words, my choice.

From fingertips to sound's delight,
I've shed my fears, embraced the light.
In voice notes sent, emotions flow,
A tapestry of feelings, they show.

No longer bound by silent spell,
I let my voice soar, rise and swell.
No more a novice, but a pro,
With voice notes, I freely grow.

So raise your phones and let's rejoice,
In voice note freedom, we find our voice.
No longer shy, we take our stand,
A symphony of voices grand.

© TwoTimesTwice