

Letter Of Appreciation
Letter Of Appreciation

When The Love Wasn't Coming
Mom Showered Adorable Love To Me
I Looked At Love
It Looks At Me Saying
No Man Can Love You More Than Mom
When The Kindness Wasn't Coming
Mom Showed Amazing Kindness To Me
I Looked At Kindness
It Looks At Me Saying
No Man Can Be Kind More Than Mom
When The Hope Is Lost
Mom Brought Hope To Me
I Looked At Hope
It Looks At Me Saying
No Man Can Have Hope On You More Than Mom
When The Grace Is Gone
Mom Prayed For Grace On Me
I Looked At Grace
It Looks At Me Saying
No Man Can Pray For Grace For You More Than Mom
Letter Of Appreciation
I Appreciate Love
For More Love
I Appreciate Kindness
For More Kindness
I Appreciate Hope
For More Hope
I Appreciate Grace
For More Grace
Long Life And Prosperity
Amazing Mom

Clean City.
© Clean City