

I scream on top of my voice but you can't even see my lips moving☹️

I try to convey the PAINS within but all you hear is gibberish🤣

How do I make you understand that your SILENCE is more peaceful than your encouragement?

Do I need to ride the clouds before you'll understand that I can never be like you?🤨

So identical in manifestation, yet so different in make up

Each human vibrating on varying levels of CONSCIOUSNESSES, yet they try to CO-CREATE/COEXIST

When will you understand that it takes two to tango, hence you can't CO-CREATE while thinking differently?🧙🏼‍♂️

How do you expect to make any meaningful progress, when you think less of those you are CO-CREATING with?🤦🏼‍♂️

The COSMOS is filled with MYSTERIES that would melt your brain if you fail to understand the familiar strangers around you👫

A world of MYSTERIES, constantly birthing MYSTICS that decipher and CONNECT with it🧘🏼‍♂️

How do I make you understand that the ones you misunderstand have the keys you seek?🤷🏼‍♂️

How do I make you understand that you misunderstand them cuz you are confused about your EXISTENCE?🙆🏼‍♂️

How do I make you understand that the misunderstood are here to help you understand?🤔

How do I make you understand that the rigidity in your BELIEFS has warped your understanding of what can and cannot be?🤦🏼‍♂️

How do I make you understand that age old PATTERNS has made you see being different as evil?😈

You REACT as you've been PROGRAMED to, thereby being the one rejecting the SALVATION you called forth

What would EXISTENCE be like if everyone was identical both in and out?😕

When will you understand that our differences are the real juice in EXISTENCE?😊

We can't all be the same, so ditch your IGNORANCE and try to understand why you misunderstood🧘🏼‍♂️

You only see what your eyes wants to see and your eyes will only see what your mind EXPECTS to see, hence any PROJECTIONS coming from you is a dissonance within your being😩

This is the time for the misunderstood to step forth into the LIGHT✨

Now is the time for the LIGHT to unveil the UNIQUENESS that distinguished you from the rest🕺💃

Being different isn't a curse but it'll be if you fail to stand STRONG as yourself🤺

The normal needs to recalibrate their minds and the misunderstood must RISE above all EXPECTATIONS🏇

The COSMOS is infinite, hence it will keep CREATING paradoxical possibilities/realities that can be BALANCED by those that understand🧙🏼‍♂️

There's never a mistake, cuz opposites can and will COEXIST under the right circumstances, so seek not to discriminate but rather devote your time to COEXISTING/CO-CREATING, so as to better understand our EXISTENCE as a collective 👬👭

© Kíkörí Kasie