

Whispers of the night 🪦
As I walk through the graveyard, a chill in the air,
Whispers of shadows, it's a place of despair.
Tombstones stand tall, marking lives once lived,
A haunting reminder of what death can give.

The moon casts an eerie glow, lighting my way,
Footsteps echo softly, as I cautiously stray.
A symphony of silence, broken by the wind's moan,
In this realm of darkness, I feel so alone.

Ghosts of the past, they dance in the mist,
Their ethereal presence, impossible to resist.
Their stories untold, lost in the night,
In this graveyard of secrets, they take their flight.

The rustle of leaves, like whispers from the grave,
My heart pounds faster, my fear I can't stave.
Each step I take, a thrill mixed with fright,
In this haunted sanctuary, the line blurs between day and night.

But amidst the terror, there's a beauty to behold,
The history, the memories, the stories untold.
For even in darkness, there's a glimmer of light,
A reminder that life and death are intertwined, day and night.

So as I walk through this graveyard, filled with dread,
I embrace the thrill, the horror that lies ahead.
For in this dance with fear, I find a strange delight,
In the juxtaposition of life and death, in this eerie night. 🌙🌳

© Tara Lee