

Bully Anime Girl
Living in dread seven days an out to the weekends.

I just beg for my days at school to end
She bullied and made fool out of me.  Tease me for everyone to see..

Cause people my used to be friends not want to hang out with me.

Been outcast in a matter of days I tell on the teacher on her. They say they can't do anything. And don't believe me without proof. Her and her pals glares at me caught in my cry for help.

Biggest mistake I ever made.

Cry myself to sleep at night.

Want it to please end.
Maybe tomorrow I will be free.
Can't say that'll be pretty lately.

Been pretty painful school morning as usual. Going to get a whole lot worse for snitching. I'll get scolled. Crazy thing is it didn't help, much. They always say tell adult, like it'll do so much. That's like kid things. We're not kids, we're like almost grown up beings. I felt so werid today. She pushing me against the wall having me by the collar. Lift me up her and her pals laugh at my squeals. You twerp honestly think that was gonna work!?" She growled. Now you in for real show of pain." Rounded up her fist swirling in the air. As I catch it before it lands on my face, comforting it with care. Let me make it up to you, being so nice," I said without no fear. Felt so relaxed then being scared. Like my emotions taking control. Leaving me not at the wheel. They laugh nervously in confusion. Are you stupid?" The leader looked awry. Questioning my actions, werider then she was expecting. Maybe I damaged your dumb head to hard, let me fix it with a round up blow, that'll fix you backtogether." Before she wind up faster for a more devastating struck. I kept talking like nothing wrong. She so edged up her grip fixation on my neck ain't so strong. I don't fit in you were right." I ain't normal, could see that despite what I think. No one cares for me, the way you do-" Idiot I don't care-" Then why we here?" She stumbled on her angry words starting sweating. I could release her away from me. She wasn't paying attention. You understand me more then anyone here. Then anyone that left me out to dry. She started blushing, choking me back against the locker panting. I started continue looking happy. If this is how you show your love so be it." Just don't be to rough, if I'm gone how you still gonna continue being bully. She screamed letting me go. Had her hands on her head feeling to go out of control. All her girl pals started to scram. I hugged her, calm her down panting her back. She ran as well, pushing me away as well. The evening to lunch. Try seat with my friends that growled, moving away to somewhere else. I was so used to it, it meant to me like nothing. Felt a soft pat on my shoulder. It was the leader girl sweating hard like she been running. Asked if I could seat with you." I said why not, I'll love to if you do." Her blush shimmer down. For the first time for once she sparks up a smile to me now.

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