

Back to heaven
Book entitled
The humble saw heaven
Written by Apostle Bonifácio

Title:Back to heaven

Hallelujah hallelujah,God is the greatest and His Son "Jesus Christ" is the Merciful Savior,hallelujah we are back to heaven.

Brethren,i don't have much but a reminder "The humble saw heaven by listening carefully the voice of the One who sits on the throne" may the peace of the good God "Yahweh" be with you all the time in Jesus name and the Holy Spirit.

I guess we all miss heaven when we recognize that we are not home for there's no place like heaven,in heaven the angels and saints live in peace,love and everlasting joy.

When we are not home,mostly we don't feel lost for the poisoned grass seems to be the most beautiful and spiced.

Miracles happen when He say yes to a certain person or people.
The story of the lost sheep made me take my time and write down the words of wisdom in order to save those whom the poisoned grass haven't trapped yet.

The great God opened the eyes of the lost and he could notice that he wasn't home and he desired to see himself walking on the freeway namely "truth,way and life" and God made it easy for him to see himself walking there and as he saw himself there he sang hallelujah hallelujah back to heaven where the peace,love and joy rules.

There are so many things that keep us away from the hand of the Lord our Messiah and when we are trapped is hard for us to notice that we are lost.Satan's games seem to be the most beautiful and interesting because they lead to death but what the heaven require seem to be the heavyweight but blessed are those who make ways to bear it because it leads to everlasting life.

The answer of the Lord comes in a different ways that we hardly see it but blessed are those who prayed Jesus teachings (Matthew 6:9-13) and waited for the answer for when He deliver it easily they see it.

You are not yet home,therefore I encourage you to come home.
Wherever you are,whatever you do pray for God's will to be done in the name of the great Lord for it may happens that the diamond that you're proud of is not yours.

God will sweep the fake smile that you have in order to save you but remember these words when these happen to you,clap your hands and give thanks to the Lord when He separate you from what doesn't belong to you,may the name of God the Almighty Father be glorified eternally.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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