

say, friend
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

is it all the same
whether i am or am not
wherever you go and come
whether we miss each other or connect by chance?

is it all the same
whether i accept or avoid
whatever you offer and invite
whether you understand or turn away?

did you know?
this is all the same to me
whether the sun shines or sleeps
whether the rain falls or the sky clears
i still do not put my nose to the flowers’ yellow centers
i still cannot love with this clot of scar tissue

i know it’s not the same to you
whether i call or leave you to your life
whether i change my address to somewhere far away
because you love so much that you spared a piece of your heart to me
though i did not deserve, i took and kept it and do not return it
so my grey world bleeds into your vibrance
tainting, tasteless, but it’s all the same to colorblind me
though you watch the spread of desaturation in a state of horror