

By Stander
I be th lonely by stander
watched with sorrow filled in my eyes
pain stuck in my mouth as I tried not to chock

I suddenly realized they didn't care.. even a tiny bit of there love will be enough..
they never told me if they ever loved me

I watched as they let exited squeals at my sister.
was I a tiny bit different from her?
was I always the pain in the ass they wanted to get over so quickly?

I fought back my tears, they ain't worth my crying...
They won't see me at my lowest

Was it obvious that I am a disappointment?
They won't even care if I tried to prove myself
I wanted to get far.. far away from there excitements, far away from my throbbing head..

but as far away as I walked, only one this remained clear to my messed brain
They are still

My parents..