

Impact of sun
It's evening time,
It feels so nice,
The air with slow speed,
And the temperature is at its mean,
Everything is going well,
But I am also worried,
Since time is continuously speeding by,
And slowly, the light is fading away,
After some time,
the evening scenario,
Will change into a dark night,
A beautiful day,
Will turn into a dark day,
Will I be able to see the sun again?,
Suppose clouds try to hide the sun then?,
Or if the sun suddenly grows tired and doesn't come on time then?,
How will I be able to see the light?,
Will my life fade too?,
How will it look,
A faded life,
With faded people,
Maybe so sad,
And depressed,
What will be the impact if the sun doesn't shine? What will be its impact?!!
© the juniors