

Your Town
Listened about your town, a decade ago
Always wanted to visit, always wanted to stay
Listened about the aestival seasons in your town, a decade ago
Always wanted to explore, always wanted to be forced to contend with
Have never had the courage to even think of conveying my emotions
Have never had the belief of my belonging to your town
Your town is beautiful, indeed, your town is for honored ones, unquestionably

I, once, had a glimpse of your town, a decade ago
I found it ravishing and enticing, a decade ago
My mates compelled me to encounter your town, a decade ago
There was spring then, and I danced in your gardens, a decade ago
Have never had the liberty to find you there
Have never the idea of your real existence, a decade ago
Your town is beautiful, indeed, your town is for honored ones, unquestionably

Now, suddenly, when I've lost myself in your town for almost a decade
Now, when I, myself, am unable to find me
People have reached your town in my search
Tell them not to ask for my soul, which is completely lost in your town
Please ask them to leave me here, roaming in your yards, watching a herd of civilized people in your town
Tell them! I'm used to it now
Tell them! This doesn't hurt me anymore
Tell them! It gives me relief now
Tell them! I've found my peace in your town
Tell them! My soul is and never will leave your town
Tell them! I've tried to convince myself
Tell them! I've tried
Please tell them! I've failed

But, what if I know that you, yourself is unknown of my existence in your town
What if a decade has never been passed
What if it's just three to four pairs of year
What if I've lost you already
What if I've died already
Your town is beautiful, indeed, your town is for honored ones, unquestionably
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