

Innocent and different
i wonder how it is
falling in love
the sun,
does it love us?
'cuz it blushes scarlet
in sunset

i wonder how it is
to follow free
the shadows do it all the time
following everything, behind
never giving some privacy
but it may do that
'cause it likes me

i wonder how it is
to keep secrets
i don't know about it
cause i never kept any
but i am sure of this
that one day
the secrets being whispered in the wind
will fall down
to the ground
to germinate,
to bloom...like the petals of a dandelion
and to let everyone know the truth

is it too Innocent of me?..

I wonder how it is
to be like you
to fall in love and to keep secrets too..
you sound like a part of a melody
i am one too
but a different one, with innocence
Not like the ONE you'd want me to be
Would you?

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