

Amaya - The Night Rain
I was abed rolling bilaterally,
the blazing globe if gulped
by the oceanic waves would've
soothed the soul of burning womb.

The sword is at my scruff and
my roots wriggled out of mud.
I'm not a mangrove with pneumatophores,
yet fight like a brave soldier
untill my last breath.

They piled up sky scrapers
over my chest; break the ribs
and make me apneic.
As the distressed farmers are often welcomed by the suffocating
knots of 'Eternal rest' and
the well-off tycoons prospered with enormous edifice that kiss the
celestial stars.

Though he's unaware of the
'unknown descendants and his weeping Matriarch; there exists
the same cradle that brought him up
and the antique crutch to strengthen his senescence.
The seraphic smile that held me tight in swiftly tides and fiery nights taught
me to tackle those eerie days.

'Amphitrite' in my heartache wept for me her lass; though was I ' Rhodos' spared in the deserted coffin; her cold
breeze blowed to me sweeping off the
floating clouds from my murky sky.

The glare of light and thunder boom,
loud long to rattle my window panes.
No longer had I wait nor pleed,
for he's near my 'Zeus' is here who
shower his tears to my weepiest days;
and ask of me that what I am!

Oh! I'm your hornbill yet not tired
of endless waiting;
Oh! I'm the jaguar who accompany
thy playful nature;
Oh! I'm the copperhead who enjoys
thy wild aroma;
and thee maketh me whole;
Amaya- The Rain Night!

Thee sprouted the grains of hope,
thee sprinkled my paddy fields,
thee showered me off my sweat
and blood with all thy love and care.

Leave me not to the thirsty serpent traitors,
leave me not to the blood sucking
leave me not by wooing and embracing my forehead with
thy silver beads!

Make me taste thy sweet and sour,
make me creep on thee as a
vineyard herb,
make me feel thee more than any
life could,
and before my last breath fades off,
sing a lullaby to the souvenir of
our love;"Amaya" that I could
remain peaceful in eternity!

© Ria Gladwin