

Battle between love and friendship
How dare Iam as a friend
If I fall inlove with the one she likes?
How dare Iam as a friend
If I betrayed my other half?

Even her deepest secret she share with me
Her strength, her weakness everything else.
She's honest as well as I do
But about this I can't be true

This feelings starting to increase,
Into desire that I'm really into him.
No! Don't be as it echoes on my head!
But his image appears in my dreams.

But the one we want broke her heart.
It was hard for her, I see how she cries,
Over a guy that broke her twice or trice.
Over a guy that never see the worth of us.

It was hard for her, and It was hard for me too
Seeing my friend get hurt by the one she likes.
It's hurting me realizing how fool Iam
To betrayed my friend and my feelings.

It's a battle between love and friendship
But Im willing to loose, for the friendship
I just watch him, like him from a far,
Till my feelings fade away.

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