

When we met.
It was the day I was waiting for.
That day I realised I am not alone anymore.
That day you came and filled me with thrill of life.
That day you gave me the reason to smile .
That day I realised I am not incomplete anymore.
That special day always give me goosebumps about you and our memories.
That day was full of taste of emotions,joy,love, excitement.
That day our family merged into each other.
That day i got to know that what is being with someone special.
That day I found myself different from everyday.
That day when our eyes met I felt How is fell in love.
That day I melted when you touched me with adoration.
From that day I knew what is feel like to miss your love one...
Thank you honey for coming into my life, thank you for realising me that life is all about love, passion,trust,honesty,faith.
You are a man who I always admired in my dream as a partner of my life.I just had a vision of your personality now you are in front me as a reality which is far beautiful than dreams.... I love you as the way you are and thank you for loving me as the way I am...

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