

What do you see?
I am stuck in a coma,
I see
I do not know if it is surreal
My vision gets blurry
As I come near the lake
I feel the ice,
I feel it locking my body
The heat from my body
it melts the ice
for a moment I feel nice
Then I look once
Then I look twice
My eyes flactuating
as if I am in a breathable vacuum
My fever rises
then I realize no compromises
But my desperate mind
wants to grind
It's persistence is piercing me
I want to see the galaxy
but what do I see?
Something only a myth
can call its kith
I look into the sky,
I look high
and high
and high
and I pray
and I say
I do not want to wake up
from this destined land
or rather designated land
based on my coma
and where I stopped
wait where did I stop?
I know there is a lake
it's cold and the trees
leaves are withered
and I shake
Was it a mistake?
perhaps I could not undertake
the existence of my soul
in fact I thought I am whole
now that I think I am in heaven
only to realize
The stars!
They are right here!
I am standing next to them
I don't need a telescope
I only need hope
I want the star!
but then before I know it
a creature takes me
he takes me from my back
and now he takes control
control over me
I scream in dismay
only to display
that successful for the doctor
I woke up from the coma
failure for me
my soul was not able
to stay in this new land
I wanted to make history
but sadly enough
the doctor is the one who was successful
and I was history
I wake up now in the real world
and I wish I swirled myself
like the speed of a star
so that the creature
did not get hold of me
I loved that land
I loved being in the center
of a world completely unique
from earth
The difference is the real world
I look at the hospital bed and say
I wish that was my final abode
so that the doctor
could not get a reward
for my wake up call
from my coma
now that I am alive
time has gone by
it has been five years
I do not even know
who I am now
so I walk and walk
hoping in mind I will reach
the land of stars
but the real world tells me
"sorry you have got to handle yourself, it's self-service"
Then instantly its the five W's
since when did the world become selfish
I then recall,I was asleep
for five years
maybe so much has changed
oh how I wish
I could just watch stars
and get a boat and fish
in the picture of the artist
and remain a sadist
in disguise
for I am sure
that the star was my only cure.



#reality #wakeupcall
#starsbrightenlife #heartbreakingbuttrue