

The beauty I want .
I want a beautiful woman,
I mean a very beautiful woman for that case,
What is beauty to u,
The world has seen the greatest beauty they say but the one I want,
I want a beautiful woman whose beauty is above all beauty,

l want a beautiful woman,
A woman with the most rare ,
The beauty that no eye has seen,
The beauty that has never stept in the world,
The beauty that has never been conceived by the ever pregnant world,

I want a beautiful woman,
when the world talks of beauty they say,
Am looking for a tall woman
Am looking for a brown skined woman
Am looking for a woman with hips
Am looking for a woman with big lips and so much more that's what the world calls beauty.

I want a beautiful woman,
According to all beauty that the world calls beauty add it and multiple it ,
The world has had many people in life that they call the most beautiful,
Do they have something in common .
l want to know if they do ,

I want a beautiful woman,
what does the world think of itself,
what one man hates a bout a woman is what the other likes,
what defines to call one beautiful is what one uses to define uglyness ,
To me in conclusion their is either beauty nor uglyness.

l want a beautiful woman,
The beauty that the world can never be graded either beautiful or ugly,
That is the kind of beauty I want,
The that no man or woman would say she is very beautiful or she is a very ugly woman,
If the lively earth that has life can not offer then how much more will Jupiter give if it can not even hold a simple plant.

l want a beautiful woman,
I want the most beautiful woman that even the ones they call the most beautiful from all regions would admit that they are not the most beautiful but there is this one beauty that suppases all beauty and that it has no name because the beauty is going to offer is more than the word beautiful itself.

by Wendy😍love
#2021/2rd December