

I open my mouth,
The words are held to my throat like a blood-soaked dagger,
Will someone even notice?
I shout louder against the sound of the rain,
Pitter-patter, pitter-patter,
It makes my head spin.

Rain-soaked hair,
Even the noise of the city seems so soft,
Compared to all of my frustrations,
So I stand in the rain, to melt it all off.

I put all my worries into the falling droplets,
So that it doesn't seep into me deeper,
I let it all go with a smile,
Even the last drops, that slip from the tips of my hair.

Pretending to be okay makes me feel worse,
More lonely,
More isolated.
My mind races through my memories,
Even if I relive it, nothing can change.
Someday, I'll get used to it,
Till then, I'll keep myself busy,
Like how the sky brightens after the darkest hour.

I try to smile more,
To keep people from asking,
"You used to be so lively, what happened?"
The days seem longer,
I'm feeling weaker as the days go by,
I feel alone,
Will I feel better by lying to my own heart?
© D.M Wright