

I walk out
to the beauty called love
that withheld my heart
stringed with expectations
of spending my entire life
with whom I love
if you ask me I had enough
of reciprocating my heart
to individuals
who are merely like dust
easily blown by the wind
and toasted across the ocean
in their language
roses are merely flowers
gift is an act of buying you
"I love you!" is just a quotation
carrying empty words and voidness,
many are the times
when none is around
sometimes the heart gets tired
that's what mine did
I ought to sail across the ocean
to overcame the storm
time and time again
I taste the bitterness of the ocean
my tears becomes part of the salty water,
yet I long for rainy days
to walk in
that way I can
cleanse every scar,tear,bitterness and soul,
to the bathroom I go
removing every spect of dust,empty promises and vows
once again
poetry becomes my friend
© mariahashei