

Dear dad,

I'm short of words,
Your departure left me heartbroken,
Oh, I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up
I barely understand the reality of death
Some days are good, I can afford a smile
some are sad, really sad and painful
These are my hardest ones for sure
On such days I long to hear the sound of your laughter
I swear I'm trying my best
But how do i cope on such days?

Then there days I'm angry at the world and everyone.
Though it's not my place, but I've questioned God
He took the only Hero I ever knew...
Dad you promised you'd make it alive
You fought hard, I know it in my heart you gave it your best
You gave me hope that you would live to tell the story only to pass away without saying goodbye
I hate such days so much...

Then comes self blame
I failed to save you....
Had I prayed harder maybe, just maybe God would have granted me a miracle

I'm lost, so lost
The pain, excruciating
Had I known that was your last day
I'd have said goodbye to you so fast
I'd have played you your favourite song
I'd have told you how much I love you
I'd have held on to you tight maybe then God wouldn't have taken you away....

Will I ever get to the point of saying good bye?...I doubt
Heavens know I'd give the world just to see you one last time
They say heaven's gated... I wish I knew the code
I'd visit you on such days