

Bells Of Heaven
"Bells Of Heaven" poem is dedicated to those who are grieving the loss of their loved ones. Hope this poem will help them through.

(Bells Of Heaven)

As the gates of heaven open wide,
my spirit soars to the other side,
the bells of heaven beings to chime,
welcoming me home for all of time.

The body that I now left behind,
is lifeless and no longer confined,
to the mundane feelings of this world,
as my soul is forever unfurled.

Though all my loved ones will mourn and weep,
their sorrowful tears will stop to seep,
while they adore the love that we shared,
with memories we together fared.

I will now join my forebears in rest,
and with all the loved ones who have left,
here in eden of peace and light,
where eternal love always abide.

My journey here may have ended,
but my essence forever extend,
for my love will always live and shine,
in the hearts of all those who are mine.

By Jophin Kulangara
© 31-Jan-2023

#grief #lifeafterloss #griefandloss #life #death #rip #heaven