

{ a defeat }
Feeling defeated,
I tip toed on the edge,
Hoping to see the light at the end of the tunnel,
wishing to see the paradise or heaven on earth itself,
like they said - I wanted to see if it truly exists,
perspective matters - yes,
a distorted, twisted perspective cannot be easily changed,
multitudes of experiences, a cluster of bad ones can change a person for the worse,
please be kind with your words,
someone who's at the edge might have just had a bad day again,
your words could push them further into the darkness within,
why is kindness not geniune and easy to find?
why do you have to be so unkind all the time?
put aside that ego, help a soul find their light,
life is tough,
kindness can help make it a little easier,
it may not be a big help but it can soothe and ease them just a little,
a little is enough to keep them here,
a little is enough to help them change,
see the brighter side just a tinsy bit...

© Sneha Das (ChristySeraSwiftcc)

#depression #snehawrites #suicide #writco #writcopoem #sadness #sadpoetry #poetrycommunity #poetryislife #kindness