

Broken Wings

I look over, I see my surroundings break
Do I have what it takes
To be strong enough and not fall
I'm a human, after all

I stumble down and I bleed
I wish my wings would be freed
They are all chipped up and they're torn apart
Strong enough, is my heart

Will I stumble down and fall?
I realize I'm a human, after all
My mind is busy with a million things
One of them is my broken wings

I wish to heal this pain
Won't it be washed away by rain?
I'm going to be more strong
I'm gonna prove everyone wrong

My wings started to shine
It felt incredibly divine
I started to fly
Will success await me every time I try?

Will I stumble down and fall?
I realize I'm a human, after all
My mind is busy with a million things
One of them is my broken wings

© Anushka