

It´s a thin line
If there´s a reason to to hate me this much,
Tell me.
If there´s a reason to love me, you can tell
it me too.
Don´'t be afraid,
it´s a thin line between love and hate.
Don´t be scared, you just don´t have to.
We all recordnize the feeling of being rejected.
You can get mad about it, but if the other one
explains the reason why in a respectful way,
you both will understand each other..´
You love each other or just don´t.
No reason to stay for both of you,
you both say goodbye, how hard it can be.
And both go your own path.
The future is uncertain, you never know
what will happen, but if you know that
love not come from both sides.
Move on, look further, don´t have
a relationship because you can find
no one else, if that comes from both
sides you are fooling each other and both
be unhappy and live in a lie.
Get out of that unhappyness just spread
your wings like a bird and fly away.
Nothing more needy to say
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