

The demons in my dreams
I'll close my heart and hope for death
maybe the rythm of my heartbeat doesn't sound right
it's a lie to my ears, a hypnotizer to my mind
we've been carried away by the joy of this angel that came to my doorstep
I nearly forgot the demon in my bed Chambers

Dear mind wake up from your deep slumbers
gather your belongings we need to elope from this gnawing reality
but wherever I run to,the demons follow
they have brought to me a reality that never existed in my childhood dreams

We've been running so far not to reach our destination
the sunset declares disappointing news
just had a silly innocent wishful thinking
until now when we are fully succumbing to the world of darkness

Tomorrow is left untold though an easy guess
the shadow tailing me is our tomorrow, our rather pitiful tomorrow
and we still hope the demons will take us to the place we adore in our slamber
then we'll rest under the moonlight and rebuke our damned past