

I am
I am insecure, it's my constant strife,
I deem myself as lacking, not enough in life,
I see dumbness, ugliness, and a figure I hate,
In my mirror's reflection, I contemplate.

But then, kind words pour in from others' lips,
Compliments, a treasure amidst the self-doubt scripts,
Yet, I question why they don't perceive,
The same flaws and imperfections that I believe.

I am so insecure, I often disbelieve,
In their words, a gift, meant to relieve,
The harsh critiques that haunt my mind,
I hold tight to them, as if they're the truth I find.

I am on a journey, to learn to see,
Beyond my insecurities, to set myself free,
To understand that those words may not define,
The real worth within this heart of mine.