

Global Damage
Rainbows brush cornfields in a delicate mist.
I marvel at the beauty of sights such as this.
The scurry of a doormouse, the crawl of an ant,
We must save such treasures before time comes we can't.

Rain clouds in blue skies like cotton wool bliss,
These are some things that will all go amiss.
Branches bow low to the mighty wind,
All of our damage we must now rescind.

As sunlight gets split into red green and blue,
Where Rains clean the air, all fresh and all new.
Each blade of green grass all sun-kissed in dew,
Marks the return of each morning, anew.

Brothers and sisters lock arms round the world,
Show love for our mother and let it unfurl,
Tears replace raindrops at the damage we’ve done,
As we sit in the face of a big smoking gun.

We must act as one before its too late,
All come together, our destiny negate.
A glimpse of the future does not look much fun,
Oh lord Almighty just what have we done?

David John© Copywrite 2023