

I was alone
stuttered grief
such disappointment
disaster relief

I was unshown
gripped like a slave
medicine is gone
did I misbehave

I was retarded
and so so alone
I get along with me just fine
given enough rope

I couldn’t stop it
my hands are tied
the money was taken
the drugs were supplied

I was the issue
on misfortunes I choke
I did not hang
myself from that rope

I’m outta practice
I’m full of doubt
it’s harder than hell
which door leads out

Im a no good bastard
a son of a bitch
I can turn crazy
at the flip of a switch

I had resentment
I lost it all
the bigger they come
the harder they’ll fall

I could be lying
or I could be at home
tears fill a bucket
I’m still all alone

© Love Letters or Suicide Notes 2024