


Always heard of stories
Watched movies
Felt sorry for the victims
Not the pain
Couldn't predict the future

Many theories were told
Some said its a form of punishment by nature
Others said its how you wear and act
Some talked about God making a testimony
And many others disgusting comments
None of them felt right

Time passed
Nature chose me as a victim
Couldn't find the words to explain
Was lost in the blame game as time passed by
Built a small house in the back of my mind
Where I housed the memories
Not even for me to reach out to

Now I've grown to accept my nature
Meeting different people
People of my kind
Who also built their houses
Living behind the shadows of nature
Having a small circle of at most one
Who know their grief

Now am left with many questions
Feeling helpless and defenseless
Wanting to reach out
But how can you
When you haven't even healed yet
Can't do nothing without second guessing


© Lepasha