

If you love someone

If you love someone,
make it till the end,
with heart and soul,
with trust and faith,
with honesty and truthness.

Love is not only for one,
but can be for your parents,
can be for your friends,
can be for the person,
which you love more.

Love got the power,
To convert the hate,
Which gives lesson that,
love can't be hate.

Sometimes, love is the only,
medicine when you feel the pain
whether it's physical or mental,
you want someone to love you.
You only need a love one hug,
and support for us.

Love have only four letters,
but means a lots,
Which couldn't be described by words and sentences.

Never let the hate,
occupied you because,
life is short and you don't know,
who you could meet or not again,
so never hate anyone.

Moreover, you have your life to enjoy, why waste on hating thing, when you got more interesting thing to do.

Atlast, if you find someone,
who truly loves you,
I'm telling you,
you're very lucky,
because in this big world,
this people are now very rare,
and very hard to find,
so treasure what you got it.



©All reserve by buddybear