

Regret Loathing
love is a curious emotion to feel
it shakes my core ready to peel
how many times have I been steered into this sickness blindly following the slightest act of kindness by the one I thought was my forever paramore one side did the scale tip to but to who you or me the words burned into my soul "you'll fall for me" oh how true they were years flow in the stream of time and yet in my mind your laugh remains unwanted lies I tell myself four or more years have passed the number remains in my pocket not a single locket to carry you close to my beating heart only once I have felt the disease of love you were the only one up to then even now you stowaway in my memories night day middle as I fiddle with the idea of ending the torture of never hearing your voice one tone away theres a chance of you making it a blissfull day but a coward I remain my self hatred keeps me from pressing the green how would you answer....i know my answer now the scales tipped in your favor