

Inspired to love

Uninspired to love again
Yet, i fall in love again but this tym
with a Shona queen tho light
Rivers and mountains,
Bridges and flyovers
I've scared in search fo the 1 to call mine
Only to sit down and write stories of
how to help heal the pain

Uninspired ;I nearly retired
For the tires i bound were unwired
Left to the flames of the fire to burn
There you stood watching me burn
As you drew swills from the urn

Turned to coal; blackened
Burnt beyond recognition she found me She found me and burned me more ;
But this time with a purpose ;with a glow
She made me brighter, possesed me and made me her own

There we are again;
Mountains are now hills from where um sitting
Love is no longer a dream
Coz um living of the dream
Loved to love.Yet i love again