

Poem of love
I have written the poem of love
On the tree I saw a beautiful flying dove
Mother is the best example of love
I have written the poem of love for you
I always imagine of you
I have enter on my imagination
A beautiful high mountain
Rivers flows up and down
Beautiful ducks in the water with fish
Sky looks blue, sun looks red
Sunlight falls on the colorful flowers
And plants they shine like a diamond
Many colorful and beautiful flowers
Koel singing a beautiful song
Trees, plants, flowers are dancing
You are coming from the sky
Like a dashing adorable king
To see your queen on the land
To dance with your queen
Its all about happen on my imagination
Because I am a queen of my imagination
Who always wants to live in imagination
Because imagination is more beautiful then realty no sorrow , no tears only love Of wings fly's on the air everywhere.

By Estharlakra