

Lost City Blues
In streets unknown, where shadows dance,
I wander lost, in a mystic trance.
Towers rise like giants tall,
Their whispers echo, I heed the call.

Lost in the labyrinth of urban sprawl,
A stranger's face amidst the thrall.
Neon lights flicker, guiding stars,
But in this maze, I bear my scars.

Alleyways twist, secrets hide,
In this city, I seek to confide.
Each corner turned, a new surprise,
Yet beneath it all, a silent guise.

Footsteps echo on cobblestone,
In this lost city, I'm not alone.
A symphony of chaos, a silent plea,
To find my place, to break free.

Through crowded squares and bustling lanes,
I search for solace, where peace remains.
Amidst the chaos, I find my muse,
In this lost city, I'll find my clues.

For in every street, a story told,
Of dreams embraced, of hearts of gold.
Though lost I may be, in this city's maze,
I'll navigate through, with newfound grace.

© JomyContreras