

This is my story
The details may be a little gory
I'm gonna tell it from my point of view
It was me but it could have been you
The worst part is it came from someone I knew
Something I NEVER thought he'd put me through
It was rape
I could not escape
The neighbors heard me say no
How he didn't, I do not know
I was screaming
Down my face tears were streaming
I faught and faught
I couldn't get him off and became distraught
I closed my eyes hoping this was all a dream
When I opened them, things were just how they seemed
I have no idea why this occured
Things seem ever so blurred
After it was over I called my best friend
I didn't have the words to help her comprehend
What had just happened, I didn't know myself
Shouldn't this have happened to someone else
I feel so lost
In time, you will pay, no matter the cost
Don't you dare place blame
I already feel a ton of shame
You have no idea what I have already overcame
All you know is my name
God grant me the serenity
As I once more search for my identity
© deepinthought