

General knowledge In Life (Bitterness)
We were all born to succeed and have a better living.
None was born to be the underdog of those whose lives are improving.
We were all brought to life to become someone better.
But the harshness of life has turned us all to become bitter.
Bitterness have filled us so much that no man cares for the other.
Life has turned us into something different and has taught us a severe lesson.
And the goodness left in us have been downed by oppression.
It was in christianity that we were brought up.
But we've become more sinful as we grew up.
Now there are no good ones left on the street.
Cus life has given us all a bitter treat.
The rich man vows to share no more.
Eversince people robbed his valuable mall.
Life has changed him to become sour.
The generous young man helps no one after he was falsely accused of murder.
And was imprisoned for years and further.
The good friend says he doesn't trust.
Cus he has been betrayed by his best friend whom he taught was fair and just.
All these ones were good at first.
But life have made them to become the worst.
The harshness of life has done us harm.
But by God's strength we shall overcome.

© k.fosu