

Little drops falling from the sky
Hitting the ground with a smile.
The ecstasy of everyone is so high
For the magic done for a while.

The thundering of the cloud
And the lightening falling down.
Like the Nature with proud
Is wearing her majestic crown.

The blowing shivering cool breeze
And the dancing green trees.
It's that moment I wanna freeze
And let my soul to please.

The pleasant smell of the Earth
And the greenery spreading everywhere.
Like the Nature has taken birth
In the vast kingdom lying here.

The music by the little streams
And the paper boats sailing on rhythm.
The festival celebrated in every realms
By dancing and singing with gleam.

The croaking of the frogs
And the dancing of peacocks.
Like the Band singing songs
And by dancing, they rocks.

The falling of icy cool hailstones
And pattering sound on window panes.
The music is heard in different tones
And all this magic happens when it rains.

- Saurabh Gupta