

Today Is Not a Test
You are not on trial here. Today is not a test.

The creator can only give love. This is all you will receive. Be grateful or ignore it, participate or do not.

You are not on trial here. Today is not a test.

We have before us the chance to co-create a day of peace, of love, and of possibility.

Your karma has been cleansed. Your lessons have been learned.

You are not on trial here. Today is not a test.

There are no destinations. Only dwelling places along the way. There are no mansions waiting. You are traveling through those rooms as you read this.

You are not on trial here. Today is not a test.

The beauty or despair you choose to see is the beauty or despair in which h you will exist.

As for me? I am sending love before me to the places I will go, asking grace for myself and others. Seeing beyond the immediate future that lives just before my nose.

You are not on trial here. Today is not a test.

Love is all there is.

Happy Friday.