

The Bathroom Sink
Drip drip drip.

I sit by watching the tap leak evenly. Contemplating life, comparing its tragedies to my low budget sink.
This sink holds one of the few things keeping me alive. Water.
Yet this necessary substance is dropping periodically down the drain, wasted.
Now, I know how important this element is, I've been told how I must preserve it.
And yet, I take it for granted, convincing myself that it's ok because it's only dripping, and I can't run out.
In life I do the same, exploiting the very things I need to survive. There's more. There'll always be more. But that doesn't give me the right to to waste the very things that keep the world going. Regardless of how much I believe we have left.
^ I think that's enough thoughts for the day. Time for bed.

© Luvpoetry770