

I have tried, to
Overcome my fears,
Dance in the rain,
Pick roses from thorns,
Face up to a rising sun,
Cover my cries.

I have cried, in the
Burden of expectations,
Painful loneliness of life,
Harsh realities crowding,
Dreams, wrecked within,
Before I learned to laugh.

I have laughed, watching
Children blowing bubbles,
Friends throwing pranks,
Life's little idiosyncrasies,
Balloons escaping to flight,
And, I began to hope.

I have hoped, for
Your constant presence,
Solitude amidst the chaos,
Stories among the rubble,
A reason to, maybe, belong,
Till my fear took over.

I have been fearful, of
Losing you along the way,
Monsters inside of me,
Cursed tears rolling out,
Choked emotions waking up,
Teaching me to be content.

I have been content, with
Your hands wrapped around,
Silent flutter of butterflies,
My love for you, unrequited,
Dying flowers on tombstones,
Knowing Death patiently awaits.

© teshnair™

#writcopoems #writcopoem #emorions #life