

The Reason Why
In the past, my life had no meaning
No taste
Dreams were shattered by the others
I wanted to end it all
I was tired

Then, you appeared...You showed me
The light in my darkness,
The happiness in my sadness,
The faith in my mistrust,
The solutions in my problems,
The hope in my fears,
The compassion in my undifference,
The life in my death,
The love in my hate,
The good in my bad,
The confort in my frustration.

You listened to me, when no one wanted to,
You were here, when there was no one else to be found around,
You stayed when everyone gave up on me,

Today, i want to live,
i want to be happy,
i want to love you,
I want to protect yoou,
I want to cherish you,
I want to acheive your dreams,
I want to spoil you,

You changed the man i once was in the past,
You are the main reason why i beleive in love again
You are the main reason why life is so worth it,
You are the main reason why i want to stay alive,
You are the main reason why each and everyday i want to be better

The reason why i love you so much

© Dodi060