

The Vow
He changed abruptly
Just like the leaves of each season
Once bright and strong
Then wilted beyond reason
It is still difficult to accept,
For it was so sudden, you see?!
Because I had been so certain,
That he was truly meant for me.
He had really loved me I'd thought
Because he told me so
But then he was simply gone
And I just couldn't let him go
It made not a bit of sense,
And it had happened so very fast
I never saw it coming.
I truly thought that we would last.
My friends all had tried to warn me
But I just could not see
For I was blinded by the spell
That his love had put on me
Now I am left alone,
So broken and so deplete
I never would have guessed
Love could knock me off my feet.
I worry I may not recover
I have been wounded rather bad...
How could simply sharing my heart
Leave me so torn and terribly sad?
I am honestly not quite sure
That I even have the will,
To pick myself back up
And learn how to deal.
I have nothing at all left
To fuel me quite the way he did
How come no one ever warns you of love when you are still just a kid?
If they had... perhaps,
I might have done more to prepare
For a force unlike any other
Of which I could compare...
It was much more than a little sting
That tomorrow I would be able to forget
For it has been many years now
And the pain has not let up yet.
Maybe I'm forever damaged
And scarred forevermore
Lord, If that shall be the case...
Then I vow to love no more.
© Manda.Humphrey
#thevow #writcopoetry