

The father of the nation.
Surrendered his boyhood for service and wellbeing of the sovereignty.
He protested till the last breath of life to secure his national identity.

Gave up his comfort and walked on hot rocks and sand.
Boyhood to adulthood like a lion he battled and stand.

A qualified, educated personality waived his western costume.
The courage, stability, discipline to fight is hard to assume.

Combatting without arguments and used silence as a harpoon.
Lawyer by profession, a warrior for the nation acts as a weapon.

To eradicate and fight for the poverty of future generations.
Turned independent movements into massive organisations.

Man of honour and commander of a lost civilization.
Navigated all populations with faithful communication.

Hugged and chained all societies as one region without pointing to religion, colour cast or, creed.
Assassinated brutally by a member of his community on independent streets for personal greed.

Struggled and rebelled with strength and rigidly stand for national salvation.
The one who sacrificed life for his country is called the father of the Nation.

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