

I remember the first day,
when we meet each other,
Around the crowd,
holding each other graze,
without any names or relationship,
Only stranger but known,
Through something that,
I can't describe till' today.

I saw you in pain,
when everyone busy judging you,
As a bad boy of the school,
I saw you when you help someone,
but in darkness without being notice, but I saw you and your kindness and soften self.

You act as it's didn't hurt,
but I see you when you are alone,
You have no one to talk with,
You have no one to express the pain and hurtfulness.

I saw you without being happy,
You tried to make your friends happy, even if you feel pain, you didn't let them at the hint of it.

You live like a tough one,
And face the harshness of the life,
as it'll be alright,
and you'll be okay,

I got inspiration from you,
To fight every situation,
till the last even if I know,
I'll lose it, I tried it,
That what matters the most.

#life #Love&love #Love #inspiration #inspirational #LOVEPOEM
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