

this heart isnt ready to
agree to what I say
convincing isn't easier
its getting harder day by day
I still whisper good hopes
& it then beats happier than ever

this soul isn't satisfied
its dreams aren't fulfilled yet
I said & consoled
Calm down its alright
there is still time
you don't need to rush
stay happier & blissful
keep working hard
things will soon end up
in the way like you wanted it to
I believe in you & your strength
You shall achieve great heights
just like you wished once

this mind isnt calm
its tired & exhausted
focussed yet distracted
& emotionally impacted
all thoughts & emotions collide
& before it overrides
I'm trying to control it
pretending to be clever
avoiding thoughts that ruin
my life forever
No more caught in
overthinking like never
I ought to train my mind
to see whats good in situation
like always & forever
& Now My mind
figured it out
it handles every situation
happy ,hopeful ,smart & clever
No matter what
battles or terror
its ready to face any pressure
tomorrow infront of millions
I shall choose to be a storyteller
to tell about my successful endeavor
to people whom I could inspire
to fulfill dreams
& be happy forever

© Laya