

Why so
#writco prompt 76
In life we come across various storms
that comes in front of us in untitled forms
We don't really know what's their intentions
We try so hard,but always fail in our observations
Eventually we wrap our head around
its way too much to think ,come back to the ground
I guess they are also hurt and it's a deja vu
Only this time they are the ones to hurt others too
The pain in their heart,make them so cruel
It acts like a extra ignition,a more of fuel
They don't truly understand what's right or wrong
They just go about singing the same song
The song of hate to more than one people
It makes them feel satisfied for destroying
someone with their words so lethal
The stone hearted have a strong wall,that they have now become of own
that even a single tear,can't tear it down .
© dreamdarer19