

Why do I let others stab my chest,
just to feel the pain I seek?
Why do I climb walls that have no steps,
just to fall back on my feet?
Why do I continue to drive myself forward,
until I’m collapsing on my knees?
Why do I continue to push myself onward,
to a goal I cannot achieve?
Driving myself….insane
through this endless repeating task.
Seeding petty doubts in my brain,
an audience that repeatedly asks
“Why do I chose to do the things I do?”
“Why do I chose to do the things I do?”
To chase the carrot on a stick,
to chase the clouds in the sky.
Dreams that will never leave the confines
of my empty and rotting brain.
And as the audience repeats the same phrase
again, and again,
I ask myself, why? Why.
Why do I push forward? Why I do jump in?
When I know the ship is sinking.
When I know the door is locked.
There are no stairs to get up the wall!
So why do I climb up
knowing I will end up on my knees.

© Robert Taylor