

© sabihenro
The unrequited love

What a fine way to define love,
what a sweet way to say how love taste.
love is like wild fire it consumes all leaving only carnage behind.
love is bitter,. love is unfair.
Nights after nights I have waited for you to look at me.
I have waited for your time but all I get is nothing but heart break and your cold touches of souless feelings.
I have been faithful to you love,
I have done all I can to keep you with me but you don't care!
Oh love you are careless!
Oh yes you are careless and wicked!
I hate you love for your act of unkindness.
Your pain is never ending,
It hurts on like the state of loneliness.
I believe that one day I will love no more!
I will stand bold to say that I am free from this prison of love.
One day just one day.