

Maybe Life's against me, I know it
The world's laughing at me, I hear it
Everyone's mocking me, I see it
The odds are against me, I can tell

My heart and minds are filled with pain, depression and rejection
The feeling of loneliness no longer kills me

Everyday seems like a punishment, cause my breath just can't stop, I'm hopeless of finding peace in thy world of the living
I might find peace in the world of thy dead

The world prays for peace, I seek death
The old men prays for better last days,I wish end times
The young women prays for husband, I want my soul to depart from my body
The children prays to find friends, I hope to find peace

The only thing I pray for is, to be healed or be dead
For thy sickness to depart from my body or my soul
For me to get better again, or to be buried
I just want to relieve me from thy pain of mine