Sweet, Honest Friend
A dark chasm deepens--
To a point nearing eternity.
From where she stands,
There is no place of end.
Tears stain a face--
That cannot be relieved by laughter.
Nor can it smile.
Joyous memories have long ago fled.
Days pass unnoticed.
Neither exhaustion nor hunger is quenched.
Not one dream escapes--
From bloody mares of Night's hues.
The dark void deepens still--
Within a mind poisoned...
To a point nearing eternity.
From where she stands,
There is no place of end.
Tears stain a face--
That cannot be relieved by laughter.
Nor can it smile.
Joyous memories have long ago fled.
Days pass unnoticed.
Neither exhaustion nor hunger is quenched.
Not one dream escapes--
From bloody mares of Night's hues.
The dark void deepens still--
Within a mind poisoned...