

Transcendence of Pain
If I were to give up,
Would it make you want to give up too?
Or would the things I conquered before I left, give you the strength to push through?

If I wanted to quit because I've exausted all of my options and my mind has gone ascue,
Would you, even though your broken and tired too,
be a calm in the midst of a storm that's still raoring with debree, not ceasing to be through?

If I messaged saying I can't go on anymore, with a blade to my wrist and tears in my eyes,
Would you talk it out of my grasp, as you slowly trace the scars on your own wrist with your fingers, and remember the times of the past?

If I told you I was scared,
as I stand on this ledge of a bridge looking down, into that welcoming dark abyss,
Would you hold my hand and talk me back,...